Hi, I’m Danielle

I’m so glad you’re here!

I am a design loving, DIY enthusiast that loves playing with power tools. I caught the tinkering bug young, as my early childhood memories include helping my grandpa in his workshop. When my husband and I were living on the east coast, I inherited a handful of my grandpa’s tools, and it created an itch to get back to this passion I shared with him.

We moved back to California into our 1960’s ranch style home, with original, well… everything! We’re slowly making our mark—turning this house into a home—one project at a time.

A little background on me.

I was born and raised in Northern California. I earned my undergrad in Psychology (CSU Chico) and graduate degree in Graphic Design (AAU). I met my husband (Ryan, a.k.a. Ryno) while in Chico and after starting our life together we began traveling for his work. It wasn’t long after I graduated with my Master’s that we relocated to the east coast, where we traveled the Atlantic coastline—from Florida to Massachusetts. Over the course of a decade, we lived in over five states, welcoming our daughter in MA and our son in NC. When we found out we were expecting an #IrishTwin, we decided it was finally time to head home to California.

In Spring 2022, we welcomed our third child in less than three years—that’s right, three under three! Jumping back into my creative passions has been the perfect outlet for balancing out motherhood. So, thank you for joining me and our perfectly, imperfect family, as we update our home and create fun, practical projects for our family.