Bathroom Renovation: Cost Breakdown

The thought of a renovation often comes with the fear of a hefty price tag. Although pricing varies from state to state—and sometimes even city to city—I wanted to be transparent with costs. My hope is that it might help give you insight if a bathroom renovation is in your future. Note that we are in Northern California and costs can vary.

Below I am listing all of our bathroom renovation expenses in real time—I will update them after a part of the project is quoted or completed! If you want to check out the demo portion of our bath, click here!

Item or ProjectCostDescription
Demo$593.4225 cubic yard Dumpster
HVAC*$12,551.00HVAC moved into attic to expand bathroom space
*HVAC was an option and obviously not a necessity when renovating a bathroom. Moving it into our attic gained us an extra 15sqft.
Move toilet plumbing, change from one to two basin vanity, put shower controls on opposite wall

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